SSNN Board of Directors

Dafin F. Mureșanu (Romania)

Natan M. Bornstein (Israel)

Bogdan Popescu (Romania)
International Scientific Committee
Russell J. Andrews, USA
Raul Arizaga, Argentina
Leontino Battistin, Italy
Heinrich Binder, Austria
Dana Boering, Germany
Michael Brainin, Austria
Rudolph Castellani, USA
Michael Chopp, USA
Laszlo Csiba, Hungary
Anna Czlonkowska, Poland
Vida Demarin, Croatia
Karin Diserens, Switzerland
Diez Tejedor Exuperio, Spain
Antonio Federico, Italy
Francesca Federico, Italy
Alla Guekht, Russia
Manolete Guerrero, Philippines
Mihail Gavriliuc, Republic of Moldova
Stanislav Groppa, Republic of Moldova
Max Hilz, Germany
Maurizio Leone, Italy
Vitalie Lisnic, Republic of Moldova
Wolf Dieter Heiss, Germany
Jakub Hort, Czech Republic
Volker Homberg, Germany
Kurt Jellinger, Austria
Peter Jenner, UK
Amos Korczyn, Israel
Dimitar Maslarov, Bulgaria
Jozef Opara, Poland
Milija Mijajlovic, Serbia
Maura Pugliatti, Italy
Peter Riederer, Germany
Michael Ritser, Israel
David Russell, Norway
Leopold Saltuari, Austria
Giorgio Sandrini, Italy
Jeffrey M. Swartz, USA
Hari Shanker Sharma, Sweden
Laszlo Vecsei, Hungary
Johannes Vester, Germany
Pieter Vos, the Netherlands
Aurel Popa-Wagner, Germany
Bianca Weinstock-Guttman, USA
Klaus von Wild, Germany
How to become a member?
If you want to join the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity as a member please complete the membership form and send it, accompanied by a CV, to our email, office(at)
Your request will be recorded and processed in the shortest time. For further details regarding the admission process you will be contacted by the SSNN Secretariat.
Annually membership fee is 50 EUR for specialists and 30 EUR for residents.
Registration fee and yearly membership fee may be paid in the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity: RO54RZBR0000060006624424 opened at Raiffeisen Bank, Branch Cluj.
If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact us.